The Omicron Variant Is Pure Narrative, Fear Based on “Mild Symptoms”

Omicron started in Africa, where Covid-19 is practically non-existent–a marvel considering less than 6% of the population is vaccinated. Cases and deaths have always remained low. So what is happening in the most vaccinated places, like Europe and North America? Two South African have claimed the virus is but “very, very mild symptoms” and that […]

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Ontario Health Minister Uses False Data to Promote Vaccines for Children

Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott pushed for the use of Covid-19 vaccines using false data November 23, 2021. Elliott, a lawyer by trade, declared in the Ontario Legislature that children had a “much greater, much greater” chance of having serious outcomes from catching Covid-19, including death, than an adverse event from Covid-19 vaccines. There have

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Omicron Variant Not a Threat in Africa, Say South African Health Officials

As govts and mainstream media warn the world of the new Omicron variant, some African officials are singing a different tune with the South African’s Minister of Health saying its travel ban is “misdirected” and the medical association’s chairperson adding, “It is a storm in a tea cup, we have only become aware of this

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With Less Than 6% Vaccinated, Covid-19 Is Non-Existent in Africa

With less than 6% vaccinated, Africa is “one of the least affected regions in the world” according to the WHO. Life is practically normal in most of Africa. Cases and deaths are non-existent and perplexing when looking at highly vaccinated continents like Europe and North America. How is it possible? While many hypotheses are bandied

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Can You Guarantee Kids Won’t Die From Covid Vaccines? Ontario MPP Nicholls to Health Minister

With Ontario children 5 to 11 now eligible for the experimental Covid-19 jabs, MPP Rick Nicholls was on a mission to advocate for their safety. It was also the same day, Nov. 23rd, that the Ontario legislature was going to vote on extending the Reopening Ontario Act (set to expire Dec. 1st, 2021). Nicholls told

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Grandmother of Vaccine-Induced Stillbirth Tweets Not “MISINFORMATION”

Grandmother Barb Craig tweeted late last night, “There was NO MISINFORMATION,” regarding her viral-and-later-removed tweet Nov. 21 about the tragic stillbirth of her grandson–a death that she attributes to the coerced Covid-19 vaccine that her daughter had taken 4 days prior. Craig’s confirmatory tweet has already gone viral with 14.5k likes in just over 14

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FDA Being Sued By Experts for Not Releasing Pfizer Vaccine Data

In an egregious lack of transparency, the U.S. FDA is being sued by Public Health & Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), an expert group of doctors and scientists whose “organization takes no position on the data other than that it should be made publicly available to allow independent experts to conduct their own review and

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1-Year Anniversary Protest of Adamson BBQ Rebellion at Toronto Mayor’s Home

On the 1 year anniversary of the now infamous Adamson BBQ Rebellion and the arrest of its owner, Adam Skelly, November 26, 2020, activists will again take to the streets for the full reopening of small businesses, specifically outside the home of Toronto Mayor John Tory. Skelly opened his restaurant Nov. 24-26, 2020, in defiance

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