Transhumanist Technology: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly -Laura Aboli

(Bath, England) Laura Aboli discusses the distinction between transhumanist technology that seeks to assists people with a disability and technology that seeks to transform us entirely, leading us to a post-human world.

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2 thoughts on “Transhumanist Technology: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly -Laura Aboli”

  1. Incomprehensible
    If the technology to implement this exists now, then to survive we will have to fight this until the end of time. Whenever humans have a moment of weakens, they will rise again.

  2. getting late in the game

    Covid 19 injections was the loss of the human race by injection as per Karen Kingston’s documents and patents work.
    View her substack or her interviews on Rumble with Stew Peters or Mara Zeee.

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