Ontario Vaccine Coercion Intensifies As Unvaxxed Ontario Educators Now Require Rapid Testing 3x/Week

An email sent to all unvaccinated educators in Ontario school boards with vaccine mandates has intentionally and unscientifically raised the inconvenience level for entry into schools. Back in the summer, experts openly shared the plan of vaccine coercion by stating that life must be made more difficult for those remaining to exercise their constitutional right to choose what is injected into their body.

2 thoughts on “Ontario Vaccine Coercion Intensifies As Unvaxxed Ontario Educators Now Require Rapid Testing 3x/Week”

  1. It is time for democracy and respecting Canada Charter of Rights , Human Rights and Nuremberg Code.
    Not just Nurses and teachers, but all workers on whom have been imposed this draconian tyrany.

    1. If we want to stay a free society, we must resist these draconian measures being implemented by every peaceful legal means.

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