Interview with Dr. Emad Guirguis, MD, on Covid-19…What They’re Not Saying + Special Announcement for BLNews Readers!

Join us as Dr. Emad Guirguis talks about the science and data of Covid-19 measures and treatments that govts, public health officials and legacy media aren’t sharing with the public.

Dr. Guirguis also discusses his defamation lawsuit against the Barrie Today newspaper for creating false allegations him and discrediting his name. All allegations were retracted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.


6 thoughts on “Interview with Dr. Emad Guirguis, MD, on Covid-19…What They’re Not Saying + Special Announcement for BLNews Readers!”

  1. Excellent interview!
    Nice to see the truth manifesting through Canadian doctors! Now, we need to get those responsible for perpetrating the criminal conspiracy of Covid 19 and bring them to court and tried for crimes against humanity! The only satisfactory justice for their crimes would be their execution!

  2. If this guy is so into research and evidence based medicine, why hasn’t he looked into germ theory in it’s entirety being a fallacy, as well as the history and harm from all vaccines, right back to their inception?

  3. loved the interview.. ty both so much for bringing this awareness to the public… I have a question… long story short…. I had a huge blood clot in my neck in May.. was extremely sick.. neck swelled up… went to hospital.. admitted me for five days.. lost 25 lbs.. thought I was going to die.. on a heavy duty blood thinner…. and no.. did not get any vacs…. I just asked if my dr. would give me an exemption because of this blood clot…. no .. he says all vaccines are safe.. don’t know what to do now? he is pro vaccinations….. would you advise me as to what to do now? ty so much.. I want another dr. live in Peterborough Ontario.. but they won’t take you if you already have one….frustrated..

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