Where Is the Footage of Ottawa Being “Terrorized?”

Where is the proof of people being “terrorized,” suffering from “violent” and “racist” attacks?

We have only seen peaceful, loving Canadians.

#OttawaOccupation #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersConvoy2022

4 thoughts on “Where Is the Footage of Ottawa Being “Terrorized?””

  1. After following CBC news all my life and believing this was real trustworthy news, I stopped looking at it as soon as the plandemic started. It was too obvious that the “news” was coming straight from the government, not from a real investigative reporter.
    Hopefully the Nuremberg II trial will put all these criminals behind bars and the other thing we have to then push for is the elimination of the CBC and all funding we give to news outlets through our taxes. With people like Brightlight news and others there is no need for the government to give hundreds of millions of dollars to these large corporations. CBC should be dissolved if it can’t stand on its own.

    1. Thank you for your reports. Proud to be Canadian, time for freedom and time for leadership change.

    2. Gobble News and the rest of the media traitors to our peaceful Canada. Peaceful Glorius Canada.
      Hold all media accountable for decieving the world with a constant barrage of flies.
      They have decieved us for years and absolutely need to be prosecuted for their involvement.

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