It’s Naïve To Think Canada’s Rights & Freedoms Are Guaranteed -John Carpay, JCCF Constitutional Lawyer

It’s an easy slide to go from a democracy into “a totalitarian hellhole” warns constitutional lawyer John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre for Consitutional Freedoms (JCCF). As a student of history, he’s been battling Canada’s anti-democratic slide since early in the so-called Covid-19 pandemic–advocating for the rights and freedoms of all Canadians with a tenacity and zeal rivalled by the govt and mainstream media’s attempts to silence his vital efforts.

Join us for this interview, as Carpay discusses our compromised judicial system, Trudeau “the dictator,” what Canadians can do to restore stolen freedoms and more…

7 thoughts on “It’s Naïve To Think Canada’s Rights & Freedoms Are Guaranteed -John Carpay, JCCF Constitutional Lawyer”

  1. “Your rights end where we say they end, and our guns will be the judge of that.”

    —Every Major World Government

  2. Very unfortunate that Canada has an overwhelming majority of people that do not and will not think for themselves.
    They listen and watch Trudeau -funded outlets and are more or less brain dead.
    We watched and became victims to these mindless morons under Trudeau and his WEF witch,Freeland.
    Outlets such as BLN have been the only news carriers we can trust.
    Again,it is a complete failure on the part of individual Canadians that refuse to educate themselves.
    Our neighbours and family are the problem and they will easily go along with whatever measures the tyrants dream up next,just as they did on this initial foray into totalitarianism.
    Thanks to Gord and BLN for bringing us some sanity in this screwed up nation of idiots and zombies.

    1. To begin to redress this issue:
      Defund the CBC!
      As a (retired) psychologist I cannot begin to explain to you how insidious the messages from the media are and how difficult it is to break out of the mould.
      So I find it difficult to the label brain dead, or any such like.
      So it is not a complete failure on the part of individual Canadians that refuse to educate themselves. They have, by and large, not the means to do so.

  3. Mr. Carpay and Brightlightnews: Thanks for the good information, I will be one to stand on my feet and die than to let a dictator put me on my knees, they have no creditability in my family, their nothing but liars and not sure where they got their ideology , smoking too much drugs I suppose. They need to be put behind bars own nothing and be happy when convicted of crimes against humanity under the Nuremburg code unless that is another lie and world war 2 never happened

  4. Can you please provide a link to the flyer mentioned so that others can print and distribute it?

    Thank you for all that you do. 🥰

  5. Don’t ever forget, Canada as well as the Netherlands are pilot projects for the World Economic Forum. The idea is to take away as much as possible. Not just the freedoms they have always taken for granted, but also their possessions. Tax whatever they have out of their hands. You will own nothing and depend on the government.

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